Ready Made Marketing Funnels And Follow Up Sequences Automate The Process of

Generating Leads & Sales For Your Business

Even if you're really bad at tech! - We've done the tricky stuff for you.

Ready Made Marketing Funnels And Follow Up Sequences Automate The Process of

Generating Leads & Sales For Your Business

Even if you're really bad at tech! - We've done the tricky stuff for you.

After 15 years+ in the online marketing space, the most common thing that people who are trying to build an online business to make their lives easier typically tell me they struggle with, comes down to the same 3 reasons they never seem to get any traction.

1, Not Enough Time

Is it just me or is time speeding up? Anyway, everyone seems to have less of it these days.

Even though there are still 24 hours in a day, they don't seem to go as far... and even if we had more time, our energy and our will power is finite. There's never enough time or energy to run our business, especially if we're working a job or taking care of our families... or both!

2, The Struggle With Tech

Let's be real here for a moment. Nobody taught us tech stuff at school... well nothing you can use today anyway!

There's a lot to take in, and once you try to build something, the floodgates open on all the tech headaches you didn't bargain for.

You want to just market your product and build your business don't you?
Not get bogged down with tech!

3, Training Is Confusing

The problem with most training is that there's so darn much of it, and almost all of it tells you to do something different from the last.
Decision making is the most exhausting part of your business.

Do I use this campaign? Do I need a funnel? So-and-so says I need to do this thing... cue burnout!

It's no wonder so many people don't do anything with all the conflicting advice.

Hey, I hear ya!

Most online business builders are working too hard to not get the results they deserve.

After all, we're the ones out there making a difference right?

The ones who are creating opportunities and jobs, putting in the extra hours.

We deserve deserve results for our hard work don't we?

But with so many systems to learn, all the different marketing techniques, networking, follow up, building funnels and learning copywriting (to name just a few things!)... it's no wonder so many people struggle to fit it all in and get stuck on the hamster wheel of making just enough to keep the dream alive but never making enough to fully live it!

After 15 years+ in the online marketing space, the most common thing that people who are trying to build an online business to make their lives easier typically tell me they struggle with, comes down to the same 3 reasons they never seem to get any traction.

1, Not Enough Time

Is it just me or is time speeding up? Anyway, everyone seems to have less of it these days.

Even though there are still 24 hours in a day, they don't seem to go as far... and even if we had more time, our energy and our will power is finite. There's never enough time or energy to run our business, especially if we're working a job or taking care of our families... or both!

2, The Struggle With Tech

Let's be real here for a moment. Nobody taught us tech stuff at school... well nothing you can use today anyway!

There's a lot to take in, and once you try to build something, the floodgates open on all the tech headaches you didn't bargain for.

You want to just market your product and build your business don't you?
Not get bogged down with tech!

3, Training Is Confusing

The problem with most training is that there's so darn much of it, and almost all of it tells you to do something different from the last.
Decision making is the most exhausting part of your business.

Do I use this campaign? Do I need a funnel? So-and-so says I need to do this thing... cue burnout!

It's no wonder so many people don't do anything with all the conflicting advice.

Hey, I hear ya!

Most online business builders are working too hard to not get the results they deserve.

After all, we're the ones out there making a difference right?

The ones who are creating opportunities and jobs, putting in the extra hours.

We deserve deserve results for our hard work don't we?

But with so many systems to learn, all the different marketing techniques, networking, follow up, building funnels and learning copywriting (to name just a few things!)... it's no wonder so many people struggle to fit it all in and get stuck on the hamster wheel of making just enough to keep the dream alive but never making enough to fully live it!

One of the biggest realisations that I've had since starting my business is this:
If you're a solopreneur, or you have a small team, you NEED automation in your business to help you hit your business goals.

That's Why I Created Ready Made Marketer. RMM Helps You By...

Automating Your Marketing & Lead Generation Processes, allowing you to unchain yourself from chasing connections on social media.

It's a well known fact that for a business to thrive, you have to be able to generate a constant stream of high quality leads to talk to about your products and services. Without them, it's going to be almost impossible to make sales.

RMM allows you to harness the power of A.I to generate leads on autopilot and even make them offers for you by feeding them into your Ready Made Marketing funnels. We'll show you how.

Saving You Time & Stress With Done-For-You Sales Funnels & Follow Up Campaigns That Help You Make More Sales.

If you're here it's probably because you're interested in marketing your business... and if that's you, you've likely heard of the power of funnels and follow up.

The problem is they can be so confusing and time consuming to build and use. Ready Made Marketer removes that stress by giving you pre-built campaigns with follow up emails to make sales, as well as specific tried and tested funnels and hundreds of web page templates. This alone will save you hundreds of hours (and a whole bunch of frustration & stress) trying to figure everything out.

Showing You How To Create Amazing Products To Sell And How To Do It

In order to make money online, we need products to sell. It makes sense right?

But making stuff to sell can be so laborious and difficult... it can all seem so daunting.

How do you create it? What should you include? Doesn't it all take ages and need a whole bunch of tech?

Don't worry, inside Ready Made Marketer I'll show you not only how to create products to sell using conventional and A.I tools to make product creation a breeze, but you'll also get all the tools you need to sell your products on autopilot.

Giving You Just About Every Business Building Tool You'll Ever Need All In One Place.

Building a business online calls for a great many different tools. After all there are funnel builders, website builders, email services, membership areas, CRM's... the list goes on and on.

Oh, and then you have to get all of these systems communicating with one another so that when a person takes an action in one system, the other system knows about it and does something.

Then before you know it, you're into creating Zaps and using API's... all things that are taking you away from doing what matters.

Making offers to your audience!

Ready Made Marketer has you covered because you're going to get everything you need all under one roof... more about that shortly.

Read on to find out how Ready Made Marketer can make building your online business a breeze.

Automating Your Marketing & Lead Generation Processes, allowing you to unchain yourself from chasing connections on social media.

It's a well known fact that for a business to thrive, you have to be able to generate a constant stream of high quality leads to talk to about your products and services. Without them, it's going to be almost impossible to make sales.

RMM allows you to harness the power of A.I to generate leads on autopilot and even make them offers for you by feeding them into your Ready Made Marketing funnels. We'll show you how.

Saving You Time & Stress With Done-For-You Sales Funnels & Follow Up Campaigns That Help You Make More Sales.

If you're here it's probably because you're interested in marketing your business... and if that's you, you've likely heard of the power of funnels and follow up.

The problem is they can be so confusing and time consuming to build and use. Ready Made Marketer removes that stress by giving you pre-built campaigns with follow up emails to make sales, as well as specific tried and tested funnels and hundreds of web page templates. This alone will save you hundreds of hours (and a whole bunch of frustration & stress) trying to figure everything out.

Showing You How To Create Amazing Products To Sell And How To Do It

In order to make money online, we need products to sell. It makes sense right?

But making stuff to sell can be so laborious and difficult... it can all seem so daunting.

How do you create it? What should you include? Doesn't it all take ages and need a whole bunch of tech?

Don't worry, inside Ready Made Marketer I'll show you not only how to create products to sell using conventional and A.I tools to make product creation a breeze, but you'll also get all the tools you need to sell your products on autopilot.

Giving You Just About Every Business Building Tool You'll Ever Need All In One Place.

Building a business online calls for a great many different tools. After all there are funnel builders, website builders, email services, membership areas, CRM's... the list goes on and on.

Oh, and then you have to get all of these systems communicating with one another so that when a person takes an action in one system, the other system knows about it and does something.

Then before you know it, you're into creating Zaps and using API's... all things that are taking you away from doing what matters.

Making offers to your audience!

Ready Made Marketer has you covered because you're going to get everything you need all under one roof... more about that shortly.

Read on to find out how Ready Made Marketer can make building your online business a breeze.

#1 - How To Use A.I To Easily Automate Your Marketing & Lead Generation Process

It Seems a Bit 'Far Out' Doesn't It?

You'd be forgiven for thinking so, but Ready Made Marketer has something called 'Conversations A.I' built in.

In short, when you have someone reach out to you via DM, Conversations A.I can answer all kinds of questions on your behalf.

Not only that but it can send your prospect links to sales pages or appointment calendars automatically without you having to be involved.

It's like having a VA that never sleeps... Oh and you can also train it to make sure the answers it gives fit totally with your marketing message and your vibe.

I'll give you everything you need to auto generate high quality leads for your business 24/7, allowing you to leverage your time and get to work creating more products and services to sell.

Use Conversations A.I To:

  • Allow people who are interested in your products and services to get an immediate answer to their burning questions 24/7

  • Automatically steer people to your sales pages or calendar appointment booking pages without you ever actually having to speak to them.

  • Gather their details such as email address and name so the system adds them as a contact.

  • Automatically put them into follow up email campaigns so you can show them even more products and services that they can buy from you .

It Seems a Bit 'Far Out' Doesn't It?

You'd be forgiven for thinking so, but Ready Made Marketer has something called 'Conversations A.I' built in.

In short, when you have someone reach out to you via DM, Conversations A.I can answer all kinds of questions on your behalf.

Not only that but it can send your prospect links to sales pages or appointment calendars automatically without you having to be involved.

It's like having a VA that never sleeps... Oh and you can also train it to make sure the answers it gives fit totally with your marketing message and your vibe.

I'll give you everything you need to auto generate high quality leads for your business 24/7, allowing you to leverage your time and get to work creating more products and services to sell.

Use Conversations A.I To:

  • Allow people who are interested in your products and services to get an immediate answer to their burning questions 24/7

  • Automatically steer people to your sales pages or calendar appointment booking pages without you ever actually having to speak to them.

  • Gather their details such as email address and name so the system adds them as a contact.

  • Automatically put them into follow up email campaigns so you can show them even more products and services that they can buy from you .

#2 - OK, Now You've Got The Lead Generation Taken Care Of... Let's Talk About Those Done-For-You Campaigns & Funnels

Done-For-You Marketing Campaign Templates To Save You Time And Help You Sell More Stuff.

You probably know how powerful it is to have regular automated email messages going out to your audience. After all, the saying 'The fortune is in the follow up' is a classic for a reason!

But, you've also probably sat staring vacantly at that blinking computer cursor, wishing you knew what to write to get your audience to take action and buy.

Well no more! We've got a bunch of battle proven done-for-you campaigns for every occasion... and there's more being added all the time.

The 'Seven Day Sales Getting ' Sequence

This sequence is designed to take someone who's never consumed your content before and turning them into a raving fan and a buyer in just 7 days.

We move the prospect along the journey with an introduction that leads into a nurturing phase... then culminates with a compelling sales offer with deadline.

This is a high converting sequence that should be a staple in everyone's email toolkit.

The 'Seven Day Sales Getting ' Sequence

This sequence is designed to take someone who's never consumed your content before and turning them into a raving fan and a buyer in just 7 days.

We move the prospect along the journey with an introduction that leads into a nurturing phase... then culminates with a compelling sales offer with deadline.

This is a high converting sequence that should be a staple in everyone's email toolkit.

The 'Where'd You Go? ' Sequence

This is perfect for catching those people who may otherwise 'slip through the cracks'.

If someone begins to go through the buying process but for some reason doesn't complete the transaction, the system will message them and invite them back to complete the purchase.

In 2023, according to the Baymard Institute, the average cart abandonment rate was 70.19%.

In short, if you're not using this sequence in your marketing, you're leaving a lot of money in someone else's pocket!

The 'Where'd You Go? ' Sequence

This is perfect for catching those people who may otherwise 'slip through the cracks'.

If someone begins to go through the buying process but for some reason doesn't complete the transaction, the system will message them and invite them back to complete the purchase.

In 2023, according to the Baymard Institute, the average cart abandonment rate was 70.19%.

In short, if you're not using this sequence in your marketing, you're leaving a lot of money in someone else's pocket!

The 'Step Forward ' Sequence

This sequence is perfect for sniffing out those really hot leads who are super interested in what you have to offer.

Once someone 'puts their hand up' by taking a specific action in one of our emails, the sequence puts them into a more direct sales oriented sequence with a deadline and scarcity element to help seal the deal.

This is a vital step in identifying those who are browsing and casually reading your emails vs those who are ready to get serious.

The 'Step Forward ' Sequence

This sequence is perfect for sniffing out those really hot leads who are super interested in what you have to offer.

Once someone 'puts their hand up' by taking a specific action in one of our emails, the sequence puts them into a more direct sales oriented sequence with a deadline and scarcity element to help seal the deal.

This is a vital step in identifying those who are browsing and casually reading your emails vs those who are ready to get serious.

The 'Get It While It's Hot ' Sequence

Everybody loves a flash sale don't they?

Truthfully, there are many reasons why you might be holding one... black Friday, cyber Monday... maybe just because it's your anniversary.

The reason doesn't matter as much as the result, and if you want to pull in big paydays with flash offers, then you need a sales sequence to help you execute.

This sequence has everything all mapped out for you. as with all of these sequences, just change the stock text with details of your offer, and you're good to go.

The 'Get It While It's Hot ' Sequence

Everybody loves a flash sale don't they?

Truthfully, there are many reasons why you might be holding one... black Friday, cyber Monday... maybe just because it's your anniversary.

The reason doesn't matter as much as the result, and if you want to pull in big paydays with flash offers, then you need a sales sequence to help you execute.

This sequence has everything all mapped out for you. as with all of these sequences, just change the stock text with details of your offer, and you're good to go.

The 'Live Masterclass Tracker ' Sequence

Masterclass, Webinar... call it what you will, these are a fantastic way to showcase and sell your products and services.

To really get the best from them though, you'll want to make sure that you have a solid campaign behind it that not only reminds people of when you're going live, but also follows them up with replays, deadline emails, as well as strategic sales messages to really squeeze every customer out of the hard work you've invested in your masterclass.

The 'Live Masterclass Tracker ' Sequence

Masterclass, Webinar... call it what you will, these are a fantastic way to showcase and sell your products and services.

To really get the best from them though, you'll want to make sure that you have a solid campaign behind it that not only reminds people of when you're going live, but also follows them up with replays, deadline emails, as well as strategic sales messages to really squeeze every customer out of the hard work you've invested in your masterclass.

The 'New Stuff - Quick Cash ' Sequence

Perfect for when you don't want to run a full blown product launch campaign, but you do want to make an offer of a new product to your audience and track who buys.

That way we can make further offers with deadline sequences to maximise our customer order value.

These types of campaigns are a fantastic way to make quick offers and bring in fast profits!

The 'New Stuff - Quick Cash ' Sequence

Perfect for when you don't want to run a full blown product launch campaign, but you do want to make an offer of a new product to your audience and track who buys.

That way we can make further offers with deadline sequences to maximise our customer order value.

These types of campaigns are a fantastic way to make quick offers and bring in fast profits!

The 'Book a Free Call ' Sequence

Sometimes in your business you'll need to book a free call with a potential client.

Considering a potential client? Schedule a complimentary call.

Evaluating a fit for a premium offer? Take the conversation live.

Inside the ready Made Marketer system you're completely covered as you've got access to a booking system with a calendar as well as a full follow up campaign to make sure you're ahead of the game..

The 'Book a Free Call ' Sequence

Sometimes in your business you'll need to book a free call with a potential client.

Considering a potential client? Schedule a complimentary call.

Evaluating a fit for a premium offer? Take the conversation live.

Inside the ready Made Marketer system you're completely covered as you've got access to a booking system with a calendar as well as a full follow up campaign to make sure you're ahead of the game..

The 'High-Ticket Masterclass Tracker ' Sequence

Crafting high-end offers?

It's all about building genuine connections.

Our aim? To ensure both you and your prospective clients find the perfect fit in your product or service.

This isn't your typical webinar or masterclass sale; it demands a specialised approach.

With our expert guidance, every step flows seamlessly, ensuring no opportunity slips through your fingers.

Rest assured, we've got your back.

The 'High-Ticket Masterclass Tracker ' Sequence

Crafting high-end offers?

It's all about building genuine connections.

Our aim? To ensure both you and your prospective clients find the perfect fit in your product or service.

This isn't your typical webinar or masterclass sale; it demands a specialised approach.

With our expert guidance, every step flows seamlessly, ensuring no opportunity slips through your fingers.

Rest assured, we've got your back.

The 'Product Launch ' Sequence

So, you've been working your tail off creating your new product, now it's time to share it with the world.

You want to make as big a splash as possible, right?

Well, you'll need the product launch sequence. This little beauty will track who's particularly keen for your new offer and place them into an early-bird sequence where they can get exclusive access as well as offering upsells, down-sells, deadlines and bump offers.

Clean up like the pro's do with your next product launch and start getting paid what you deserve.

The 'Product Launch ' Sequence

So, you've been working your tail off creating your new product, now it's time to share it with the world.

You want to make as big a splash as possible, right?

Well, you'll need the product launch sequence. This little beauty will track who's particularly keen for your new offer and place them into an early-bird sequence where they can get exclusive access as well as offering upsells, down-sells, deadlines and bump offers.

Clean up like the pro's do with your next product launch and start getting paid what you deserve.

The 'Facebook group Onboarding ' Sequence

We'll show you our method for moving people who've joined your Facebook group or connected with you through your page onto a subscriber list and into an onboarding sequence.

This will allow you to deliver massive value out of the gate and make you look like a pro, as well as being able to find out what your potential client really needs help with so you can step in as the solution.

This is a great way to stand out from the crowd and go the extra mile... without you actually having to do any extra work!

The 'Facebook group Onboarding ' Sequence

We'll show you our method for moving people who've joined your Facebook group or connected with you through your page onto a subscriber list and into an onboarding sequence.

This will allow you to deliver massive value out of the gate and make you look like a pro, as well as being able to find out what your potential client really needs help with so you can step in as the solution.

This is a great way to stand out from the crowd and go the extra mile... without you actually having to do any extra work!

The 'Book A Coaching Call ' Sequence

People need your help, and often the want to pay you to talk with you 1- on -1.

No problem. With this sequence you can automatically have them book a time with you, pay for the session, fill out a survey form to see what they need the most help with, then get follow up messages with all the information, as well as reminder emails to make sure they don't miss their appointment.

You can even have them join other sequences that steer them to specific resources that can help them based on links they've clicked, or off to book further calls with you!

The 'Book A Coaching Call ' Sequence

People need your help, and often the want to pay you to talk with you 1- on -1.

No problem. With this sequence you can automatically have them book a time with you, pay for the session, fill out a survey form to see what they need the most help with, then get follow up messages with all the information, as well as reminder emails to make sure they don't miss their appointment.

You can even have them join other sequences that steer them to specific resources that can help them based on links they've clicked, or off to book further calls with you!

Done-For-You Marketing Funnels & Website Templates.

Ah, funnels and websites. What's the difference... right?

Well, think of your website as a store where the customer can enter and browse around casually, looking at random things that take their fancy...

Now think of a Funnel as IKEA, where there are arrows on the floor directing the customer exactly where to go and what to look at next. Then giving them a time limit to buy the thing they're looking at or not πŸ˜‰

The cold fact is that if you want to compete in the modern, highly competitive marketplace, you'll need both or risk getting ignored!

The good news is, with the Ready Made Marketer system, you can have as many of each as you'd like. Unlimited funnels and websites, all put together using gorgeous done-for-you templates to make setting everything up a breeze.

Even better, we'll advise you on what funnels to use to achieve YOUR desired outcome for your business.

Goodbye confusion!

The 'Tripwire ' Funnel With Upsells & Order Bumps

Inside this little beauty is everything you need to convert a viewer into a subscriber, and a subscriber into a customer.

All in a matter of minutes of first seeing your content!

Complete with one-click upsells, down-sells and bump offers you're all set with these totally editable funnel templates. Brand them as yours, add your info and you're off to the races!

The 'Tripwire ' Funnel With Upsells & Order Bumps

Inside this little beauty is everything you need to convert a viewer into a subscriber, and a subscriber into a customer.

All in a matter of minutes of first seeing your content!

Complete with one-click upsells, down-sells and bump offers you're all set with these totally editable funnel templates. Brand them as yours, add your info and you're off to the races!

The 'Free Challenge Funnel ' With VIP Option

Free challenges are a fantastic way to build your audience as well as build know, like and trust with that audience.

The trouble is, they're a lot of work to set up.

Well, at least they were!

Once you're armed with these templates and the sequences inside Ready Made Marketer the workload will seem insignificant and you'll be running challenges in no time.

The 'Free Challenge Funnel ' With VIP Option

Free challenges are a fantastic way to build your audience as well as build know, like and trust with that audience.

The trouble is, they're a lot of work to set up.

Well, at least they were!

Once you're armed with these templates and the sequences inside Ready Made Marketer the workload will seem insignificant and you'll be running challenges in no time.

The '5 Day Paid Challenge Funnel ' With VIP Option

We've already mentioned that challenges are a powerful way to grow your audience and demonstrate your expert status.

Now imagine getting all of those benefits of running a challenge but getting paid to do it!

This funnel incorporates everything you need including all the setup as well as a VIP option so you can dramatically increase your average order value for your challenge participants. These are hugely profitable as well as a lot of fun.

The '5 Day Paid Challenge Funnel ' With VIP Option

We've already mentioned that challenges are a powerful way to grow your audience and demonstrate your expert status.

Now imagine getting all of those benefits of running a challenge but getting paid to do it!

This funnel incorporates everything you need including all the setup as well as a VIP option so you can dramatically increase your average order value for your challenge participants. These are hugely profitable as well as a lot of fun.

The 'Product Launch Sales Funnel ' With Upsell + Bump

Deploy this funnel when you've got an amazing product to launch to the world and you want maximum exposure and sales power.

This is a strategic launch process that'll inform your audience of what you have, educate them as to why they need it, create desire for it until they're frothing at the mouth... then finally open the cart so they can buy.

Not only that but we'll also kick things up a few gears with trigger links, deadline sequences, upsells and bump offers to absolutely smash the glass ceiling of what you though t was possible with an automated product launch.

The 'Product Launch Sales Funnel ' With Upsell + Bump

Deploy this funnel when you've got an amazing product to launch to the world and you want maximum exposure and sales power.

This is a strategic launch process that'll inform your audience of what you have, educate them as to why they need it, create desire for it until they're frothing at the mouth... then finally open the cart so they can buy.

Not only that but we'll also kick things up a few gears with trigger links, deadline sequences, upsells and bump offers to absolutely smash the glass ceiling of what you though t was possible with an automated product launch.

The 'Live Masterclass ' With Upsell & Order Bump Funnel

Selling your expertise to a large group of people all at once is one of the best ways to leverage your time and get paid more than you though possible.

The live masterclass is something that is perfect for doing this. We've got all the pages you need to handle registrations, confirmations, upsells, down-sells, order bumps and more.

You can also use the same model for evergreen webinars with just a few simple tweaks.

Leverage your time the smart way by selling to multiple people all at the same time.

The 'Live Masterclass ' With Upsell & Order Bump Funnel

Selling your expertise to a large group of people all at once is one of the best ways to leverage your time and get paid more than you though possible.

The live masterclass is something that is perfect for doing this. We've got all the pages you need to handle registrations, confirmations, upsells, down-sells, order bumps and more.

You can also use the same model for evergreen webinars with just a few simple tweaks.

Leverage your time the smart way by selling to multiple people all at the same time.

The Classic 'Squeeze Page Funnel '

If you're looking to grow your subscriber list (and let's face it, you should be!) then one of the most effective ways is still the classic squeeze page.

This effectively 'squeezes' someone to give up their email address in exchange for a super valuable piece of content something similar.

Once they do, the system effectively takes over and adds them to your list. What happens next is up to us...

A 7- day sales sequence maybe... an immediate one-time-offer?

Maybe an invitation to a free masterclass? 😊

The ways to make offers from here are endless

The Classic 'Squeeze Page Funnel '

If you're looking to grow your subscriber list (and let's face it, you should be!) then one of the most effective ways is still the classic squeeze page.

This effectively 'squeezes' someone to give up their email address in exchange for a super valuable piece of content something similar.

Once they do, the system effectively takes over and adds them to your list. What happens next is up to us...

A 7- day sales sequence maybe... an immediate one-time-offer?

Maybe an invitation to a free masterclass? 😊

The ways to make offers from here are endless

The 'Automatic Subscriber From Facebook Group ' Funnel

Here at RMM, we love Facebook. It's a fantastic place to make contact with lovely people like you who we may be able to help with our system.


We don't own it. If the bots at Facebook wig out and decide that there's something they don't like about our group or our profile, they could literally shut down our business.

Happens all the time!

So we want to get people from FB to our own subscriber list ASAP to protect our business and our income.

This funnel is the key to getting that done.

The 'Automatic Subscriber From Facebook Group ' Funnel

Here at RMM, we love Facebook. It's a fantastic place to make contact with lovely people like you who we may be able to help with our system.


We don't own it. If the bots at Facebook wig out and decide that there's something they don't like about our group or our profile, they could literally shut down our business.

Happens all the time!

So we want to get people from FB to our own subscriber list ASAP to protect our business and our income.

This funnel is the key to getting that done.

The 'Survey Funnel ' with Upsell + Bump Offers

The more information we have about a potential client, the better equipped we are to help them by pointing them to products that solve their precise issue.

How do we know what that issue is?


This funnel utilises the RMM built in survey feature to ask strategic questions, track the answers, then follow up based on what the person needs the most.


The 'Survey Funnel ' with Upsell + Bump Offers

The more information we have about a potential client, the better equipped we are to help them by pointing them to products that solve their precise issue.

How do we know what that issue is?


This funnel utilises the RMM built in survey feature to ask strategic questions, track the answers, then follow up based on what the person needs the most.


#3 - There's All The Training & Support You Need On How (and When) To Use It All Inside The Ready Made Marketer School

You'll Get Unlimited Access To The Training & Support Portal, Plus The Ready Made Marketer School, As Well As Weekly Live Q&A Sessions With Me.

That means you'll have all the training you could possible need, not just on how to use the system, but why, when and how to deploy specific marketing strategies and campaigns to scale your business!

Here's A Few Nice Words From Awesome Members

#4 - So, What's Actually Included Inside The Ready Made Marketer System?

  • Unlimited sales funnels with gorgeous templates, analytics and as many custom domains as you care to add!

  • Unlimited websites with hundreds of pre-designed templates, all hosted within the system.

  • Video hosting and image library included.

  • Unlimited memberships and areas to host digital courses and trainings.

  • Unlimited contact lists with email marketing functionality *

  • Unlimited system automations using workflows

  • Two-way SMS and email conversation with prospects with templates

  • Social media content planner

  • Done-for-you email marketing campaigns

  • Appointment calendar to book free and paid for sessions.

  • Fully featured CRM

  • Web chat widget

  • Form builder

  • Survey Builder

  • Invoicing system with estimate, proposal and text-to-pay functionality

  • Ready Made Marketer School training portal

  • Full training and support library

  • and lots more...

* Email and SMS functionality are charged on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Will It Help Me Save Money?

If you're looking to run an online business, you're going to need systems and tools. There's no way around it.

By way of comparison, take a look at the chart below to see what popular online tools would typically cost you per month compared to all the features you get inside the Ready Made Marketer system.

πŸ‘‡ Click Below To Join The Ready Made Marketer System Today

Here's What You're Getting When You Join The Ready Made Marketer System Today

πŸ‘‰ All the system features highlighted in the list above

πŸ‘‰ The entire Ready Made Marketer School training and support portal

πŸ‘‰ All the templates and campaigns plus any future updates

πŸ‘‰ Live weekly Zoom meetings directly with Steve to answer any questions

FREE For 14 Days - Then Just Β£79pm

No Minimum Contract, Cancel Anytime.


Can I build my own pages and websites with this?

Yes you can, you can build as many websites and funnels as you like, either by utilising the done-for you templates or designing your own with the page builder software.

Can I take care of all of my list building and email marketing with this?

Absolutely, you can add as many people to your contacts list as you'd like with no limits. The email system works on a 'pay as you go' basis so you only pay extra for the messages that you send. $10 will buy you around 12000 email credits.

What if I already have content in another system. Is it easy to transfer over?

Your email contacts can be imported no problem using a CSV file. When it comes to websites etc however, If you're moving content from Clickfunnels then there's the option to import your sites and funnels, apart from that you'll need to replicate your current sites inside the system builder.
The good news is that with the page builder software it's really fast and simple to do.

Can I use my own custom domains with the system and are they difficult to set up?

Yes, you can add unlimited custom domains to the system.

How do I get access to the pages, funnels and sites that you'll be building?

They're pre-created in another account and a copy is effectively shared with you via something called a 'snapshot'. No techie steps for you! Your account will come pre-loaded with campaigns and others will also be added along the way.

Can I track my leads through the system?

Yes you can, it has a fully integrated CRM which tracks the progress of every interaction.

How long will it take me to learn how to use this system?

There's a lot in here, and, as with any new system there IS a learning curve. But I'll steer you in the direction that you need to take in order to focus on the elements that'll make the most impact on your business. You'll have all of the training and support that you need to hit the ground running. Most of our members have their first funnel up and running within14 days.

Can I set up training portals (memberships) and charge people for my content?

Yes you can, as many as you like, with as many members as you like. There's also a portal area that allows people to see all of the courses and products they could buy from you.

Can I book appointments and take payments?

Yes you can, it has a fully integrated calendar system and integrates with several payment processors including Stripe & PayPal.

Can I schedule my social media posts with it?

Absolutely! The system includes a fully functional social media content scheduler that connects with all the main social media platforms. Remember, automation rules! πŸ˜„

Can it be used for selling E-com products?

You can currently integrate Shopify into the system, however an immanent update will allow you to build an E-commerce store totally from within the system.

Is there a minimum term contract?

The simple answer is no. There's no contract or minimum term, you can leave whenever you like. Obviously I don't want you to though ☺️... but I think you'll want to stay. The value is insane, even if I do say so myself!

Copyright ready Made Marketer. All rights reserved.

Copyright ready Made Marketer. All rights reserved.